Our daughter’s loan and the inspiration to keep going.
We joined a group of 19 lenders by contributing $25 to Fayzimo’s microloan on December 1, 2020.
Fayzimo is from Bokhtar, Tajikistan. She used this loan to buy fabrics and colored threads to produce more “Gulduzi” embroidery to increase her income to help solve some financial issues. Tajikistan has a rich tradition of artisans that make beautiful folk crafts that have been passed down through multiple generations. Fayzimo is one of those artisans that produce unique, hand-crafted, cultural artistry.
While our first loan to Faostine was meaningful, it was just a singular act of kindness. It was not the moment we were inspired to start our fund or even give our second loan, for that matter. Our daughter’s action planted the seed of inspiration that led directly to our second loan to Fayzimo and ultimately to our family fund.
Let me explain…
We have a family tradition on holidays. Pop-pop (Grandpa) gathers the family outside. He stands on the deck with a bottle of champagne and a twenty-dollar bill. Then he pops the bottle and lets the cork fly. Whoever catches the cork wins the twenty-dollar bill.
Well, on Thanksgiving in 2020, our daughter caught the cork and won the twenty-dollar bill. Through conversations about being thankful and helping others, she decided to donate her $20 because “Someone else needs it more than I do.“
We used her $20 and added $5 to loan Fayzimo. Our daughter picked Fayzimo herself because of the “cool” things she makes (referring to the traditional “Gulduzi” embroideries).
We were incredibly proud of our daughter and her giving spirit. But more importantly, we were inspired by it.

Loan Total:

Loan Length:
15 Months

Love Spread From:
19 Lenders